Investors were concerned that banks could suffer if companies with derivatives losses default on their loans. 投资者担心,如果在衍生品上遭受损失的公司发生贷款违约,银行可能会遭殃。
For the example cluster, the following settings were changed from the default on the HBAs. 对于这个示例集群来说,需要对HBA的默认设置进行以下修改。
Domain RBAC is enabled by default on enhanced RBAC mode system. DomainRBAC在加强的RBAC模式下是默认启用的。
Enter flowcontrol cts& Sets hardware flow control to CTS, which is the default on most IBM computers. 输入flowcontrolcts&把硬件流控制设为CTS,在多数IBM计算机上是默认设置。
It is not enabled by default on z/ OS. 在z/OS中,它不是缺省启用的。
The watch command, which is installed by default on most Linux systems, provides a simpler solution. 大多数Linux系统上默认安装的watch命令提供一个更简单的解决方案。
The check box is visible, and the compatibility mode is not set by default on the invitation. 设置$CSCompatibilityMode=2,复选框可见,兼容模式为默认选择模式。该选项默认关闭,可手动将其开启。
Set this default on the Performance Server properties file or through the user interface. 可以通过PerformanceExpert属性文件或用户界面设置默认登录模式。
Click the existing Derby JDBC Provider resource to verify that t has been created by default on your application server. 点击已有的DerbyJDBCProvider资源,以确认默认条件下它已经由应用程序服务器创建了。
The predefined report templates are not installed by default on the Rational Team Concert server. 默认条件下在RationalTeamConcert服务器上并没有安装预定义的报表模板。
The crisis has raised the prospect that Greece might default on its debts and leave the euro. 这一危机增加了希腊无法按时偿还债务并离开欧元区的可能性。
In the last several days, European and American banks, think tanks and ratings agencies have issued a fresh round of warnings and studies calculating the damage to the currency union if Greece were to default on its debts or stop using the euro. 过去几天里,欧洲和美国的银行、智库和评级机构先后发布了新一轮的警告和研究报告,这些研究估算了一旦希腊债务违约或停止使用欧元,会对欧元区造成多大的损失。
That raises the risk for banks that their governments could default on their debts, or restructure payments. 这给银行带来的一个风险就是,政府可能会发生债务违约,或者进行债务重组。
Second, the rating of a sovereign that cannot default on debt in its own currency means little. 其次,主权国家以本国货币计价的债务是无法违约的,因此对其进行评级缺乏意义。
Thus in Ireland ( to name but one example), one-in-six mortgage borrowers are in default on their loans. 就以爱尔兰为例,六分之一的按揭贷款借款人已经发生了债务违约。
This and other multitask gestures are on by default on the iPad 2 and newest iPad. 这一手势及其他多任务手势在iPad2和最新版iPad上是默认开启的。
This is a good idea because it makes the output more readable, and thus it is default on. 这是个好主意,因为它使输出的信息更易读,所以它默认是开启的。
An accordion may have one panel open by default on initial display. 手风琴导航默认可以有一个面板是展开的。
This triggers a default on credit default swaps – instruments that provide a form of insurance on fixed income assets. 这引发了信用违约互换(CDS)的违约危机。这种工具为固定收益资产提供一种保险形式。
Greece would then default on all of its foreign debt. 接下来,希腊借入的所有外国债务都将违约。
Greece is now likely to default on most of its debts and may even have to leave the eurozone. 希腊目前很可能无法偿还大多数债务,甚至还可能不得不退出欧元区。
He thought he had been right to default on that loan. 他认为自己拖欠贷款是合理合法的。
What if one of the member states of the eurozone were to default on its debt? 如果欧元区成员国之一的国债发生违约,会怎么样?
The higher cost indicates investors see a growing risk that the firm could default on its obligations. 这一费用的提高表明,投资者认为雷曼兄弟拖欠其债务的风险提高了。
Greece avoided an immediate catastrophic default on Wednesday. 周三,希腊躲过了一场迫在眉睫的灾难性违约。
If they default on their loans, their national economies will be in chaos. 如果它们拖欠偿还债务的话,那它们的国民经济将陷入一片混乱之中。
Greece might also default on some or most of its remaining private sector bonds. 希腊还可能要对部分甚至大部分剩余的私人部门债券违约。
Public and private default on Euro liabilities would be sizeable. 公共部门和私人部门欧元债务违约的规模将很可观。